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We are Ian and Cassie from California. Welcome to our little slice of the world wide web. We are checking off our bucket list of places around the world and sharing all our tips with you! 

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Long Flight Travel Essentials

There are certain things you will never catch me traveling without. You also ALWAYS have to be prepared for the worst. Since we travel a lot, I normally freak out every time because I always think we are forgetting something. This is the exact reason that I have made myself a list of the essentials for long haul flights. So, I thought I would spread the love and share this with you guys so you can stop thinking you forgot something too!

Large Purse/ Small Backpack


Important Documents

This is the stuff you can't afford to forget. Remember to always check the countries guidelines for entering. They are all different, however, some are more strict and regulated than others. If it is a more strict country, always always always have proof that you will not be extending your visa and have your flight information printed out for returning back home or just out of their county. You literally cannot predict what happens when you travel. Make copies of all your important documents and give them to someone you trust before leaving, have copies on your phone. The last thing you want to happen is to get stuck in an unfamiliar country because you don't have proof of your identity if things get lost.

  • Passport and Visa

  • Copies of your debit card/credit card/passport information/ID

  • Wallet

  • Flight Itinerary (departure and return)

  • Hotel/hostel information

  • Anything that you consider irreplaceable in checked bag move over to your carry on.


Comfortable/ Sleep Items

Especially on long haul flight in economy you will need these items. You are treating yourself to first class material.. it's just your own stuff. lol. I really want to highlight the extra outfit. Ian and I have had our luggage lost way too many times to count and we finally learned that wearing the same outfit 3 days in a row until they find your luggage is not fun. It's definitely a "just in case" essential but trust me, if it happens to you, you will be happy you brought it.

  • Socks

  • Scarf

  • Extra outfit

  • Light jacket

  • Travel pillow

  • Eye Mask (I honestly bring a beanie to keep me warm and then I just pull it down when I sleep but I know a lot of people would prefer a eye mask)

  • Ear plugs


Electronics/ Entertainment

Long flights can become boring, especially if you have no wifi. Always make sure you have enough music and/or a movie downloaded to your laptop. Most planes have outlets and tvs to keep you entertained, but there are occasions where it's an older flight and there is NOTHING! Also, bring pens if you are traveling to a different country. I hate having to rely on someone else readiness. They always make you fill out some type of form when traveling to different countries and the flight never provides pens. Do yourself a favor and always have a pen on you when traveling you will need it a lot more often then you think.

  • Camera and memory cards

  • Phone

  • Laptop/tablet

  • Portable charger

  • Earphones

  • All chargers

  • Journel

  • PENS!

  • Wall plug adapter

  • Deck of cards



You are sitting in the same recycled air for hours. Be prepared to feel like crap no matter what. There are still things to bring along your trip that will make you feel human again. A little goes a long way. Take a lot, and I mean it, a lot of Vitamin C before, during and after flights. This help boost your immune system. We always bring little powder packets of vitamin C to shake up and put in our water during flights. I hate traveling with make-up on but right before we land, I always like to cover up my baggy travel eyes.

  • Makeup wipes

  • Lotion

  • Chapstick

  • Concealer and Mascara

  • Deoderant

  • Gum/Mints

  • Tissue

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Sanitizing wipes

  • Ibuprofen

  • Vitamin C and a lot of it!



Once you go through security, fill up a collapsable water bottle for your flight. Don't be that one person who is constantly hitting the service button, needing more water because the cups are ridiculously small!! Also bring as many snacks as you'd like. In economy, they give you peanuts or pretzels OR they charge you for a outrageously priced meal. Come prepared and read your airline rules and guidelines for snacks and meals.

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